Back to the directory
set x=Notify
xcopy %x% build /i /e
xcopy build\content build\chrome\content /i /e
xcopy build\locale build\chrome\locale /i /e
xcopy build\skin build\chrome\skin /i /e
rmdir /s /q build\content
rmdir /s /q build\locale
rmdir /s /q build\skin
rmdir /s /q build\www
del build\todo.txt
del build\notify2.wav
del build\Notify?.gif
del build\.htaccess
del build\http.txt
del "build\Notify (UMLTool).uml"
cd build\chrome
7z a -tzip "%x%.jar" * -r -mx=0
cd ..\..
rmdir /s /q build\chrome\content
rmdir /s /q build\chrome\locale
rmdir /s /q build\chrome\skin
replace chrome.manifest build
cd build
7z a -tzip "%x%.xpi" * -r -mx=9
cd ..
move build\%x%.xpi %x%.xpi
rmdir /s /q build
rem http://kb.mozillazine.org/Getting_started_with_extension_development#chrome.manifest