Back to the directory
- in context menu - Stop monitoring this site
- don't check right after browser startup? (-> talk with Cinu)
- Check this page:
* very often (each ..h/m)
* often (each ..h/m)
* rarely (each ..h/m)
Warning: Monitoring sites increase transfer.
Don't check too often!
(in main window and prefs)
(+ ablity to configure intervals)
(defaults: 20m, 1h, 3d)
(changelog: can set different check interval for every site)
- Notify about change (this site!!) with: ...
use http://www.xulplanet.com/tutorials/xultu/splitter.html ( > Advanced ? )
- use HTTP 1.1 - don't download when possible
- http:// prefix problem (what if user forgots to add it?)
- notifications when multiple items change?
- compability with Fx 2.0
- translations?
- don't focus? (option)
- http://www.babelzilla.org/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=2103&view=findpost&p=18737
- www: screenshot on main page, favicon?
new Windows screenshots
addons.mozilla.org - screenshots, better text
Monitoring options - explanation?
(don't check when Firefox is closed, ...)
- do a check at Firefox startup?
- wykop.pl, digg.com?
pl: Czy chciałeś kiedyś monitorować zmiany na stronie, która nie ma RSSa?
2.0 or later:
- "This notify idea is very good service, but many page generates unique ID or timestamp + some time on HTML expire time context at all get and this produces false allerts: Example inebhedj.hu line 6:"
- TODOs from the code
- http auth
- integration with bookmarks? (first step: in the 'add bookmark' dialog)
- select&test a sound file from prefs
- offline mode
- what if an error occured (can't connect, or 404 response?)
* how to notify?
- less offensive, change icon in bookmarks? (http://mozillapl.org/forum/post-126609.html#126609)
- run external app?
- in status bar?
- few sites at a time - collect all?
- accesskeys
- notify by sms?
- Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey compability (? http://kb.mozillazine.org/Reusing_tabs_for_the_same_URL)
- http://kb.mozillazine.org/Javascript_coding_guidelines - of there are no other items ;-)
On update:
- make tests (any regressions?)
- update translations (chrome.manifest, install.rdf and translation files in chrome/locale/)
- upload to Babelzilla
- www: pl+en changelog
- www: pl+en docs
- www: pl+en update screenshots
- www: pl+en version number (download info on every site - header)
- www: check how many times the previous version was downloaded
- build new .xpi
- upload new .xpi
- upload all www files + source to server
- test site & download file
- update and upload update.rdf
- test the update
- put a tag in svn
- update at addons.mozilla.org (without update.url, restore after upload)
- marketing - blog (ak74.wordpress.com), forums, etc.
counter: (from the site only)
13.09.2006: 349